Yesterday, in the Catholic Churches of the Byzantine Rite, we celebrated the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee.
I offer the first ode of the Canon from Matin (Orthros), the morning office, for your contemplation.

Irmos: Crossing the deep on foot as if it were dry land, Israel looked on the pursuing pharaoh as he drowned and cried aloud: let us sing a song of victory to God!

Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!

Through parables leading all mankind
to seek amendment of life,
Christ raises up the Publican from his abasement
and humbles the Pharisee in his pride.

Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!

We see the exalted honor that comes through humility,
and the grievous fall that comes through pride.
Let us, then, emulate the good actions of the Publican
and hate the evil sin of the Pharisee!

Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!

Every good deed is made of no effect through foolish pride,
while every evil is cleansed by humility.
In faith let us embrace humility
and utterly abhor the ways of vainglory.

Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!

The King of all, in His desire
that His own disciples be humble in mind,
taught them to emulate the groaning of the Publican
together with his humility.

Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!

I groan as the Publican,
and with unceasing lamentations I now draw near to Your compassion, Lord.
Be merciful also to me,
for now I live out my days in humility.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

I dedicate my understanding and my counsel to you, Lady,
my expectation, my body, soul and spirit.
Deliver and save me from dangerous adversaries and temptations,
and from every threat that lies before me!

Now and for ever and ever. Amen

Katavasia: I will open my mouth, filled with the spirit;
I will sing a song to the Queen and Mother!
I will come rejoicing in the feast,
And I will extol all her glory!

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