Tone 6
Irmos: None is holy save you, O Lord, our God, who raised up the horn of your faithful in your goodness, establishing us upon the rock of your confession!
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
The humble is lifted up on high
from the dung-hill of the passions,
while the proudhearted suffers a great: fall from the height of the virtues.
Let us flee from his evil ways.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
Vainglory disperses the treasures of righteousness,
but humility scatters the multitude of passions.
Then grant that we may seek humility, O Savior,
and bestow on us the portion of the Publican.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
As the Publican, let us beat our breasts,
crying out in compunction:
O God, be merciful to us sinners,
that like him, we may receive forgiveness.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
Faithful, let us increase in zeal and meekness,
passing our days in humility,
with cries of sorrow from our heart, weeping and prayer,
that we may receive forgiveness from God.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit
Faithful, let us cast away
the swollen boasting and evil folly of the Pharisee,
his loathsome pride and wicked cruelty,
and all that is hateful to God.
Now and for ever and ever. Amen
I have set my trust in you, my only refuge:
Do not let me fall away from my good hope,
but grant me your protection, pure Virgin,
and deliver me from every assault by my enemies!
Katavasia: In your divine glory, Theotokos, living and inexhaustible fountain, spiritually establish your choir, assembled in chorus. In your mercy make them worthy of the crowns of glory!
Overcome with shame and sorrow at his evil deeds, humility exalted the publican: he cried out to the creator: be merciful! But the unhappy pharisee who spoke in pride was brought down from righteousness by his exaltation! Therefore let us earnestly desire what is good, and avoid all that is evil.
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