Tone 6
IrmosThe Holy Church sings in reverent worship: Christ is my strength, my God, and my Lord! Raising her voice in purity of reason, and keeping feast in the Lord!
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
The Word humbled Himself to the form of a servant,
showing that humility is the path to exaltation.
Every man, then, who humbles himself after the Lord's example,
is exalted on high.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
The Pharisee fell, exalted in his righteousness,
while the Publican was abased, defiled by many sins;
yet against all expectation, he was exalted,
and so was justified.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
Though he was rich in virtues,
foolish pride brought the Pharisee to poverty,
but in his great need the Publican was justified through humility.
Let us also gain this humility.
Glory To You, Our God, Glory To You!
You have warned us that You resist the proud, Master and Savior,
but give grace to the humble.
We pray You to send Your grace upon us now,
for we have humbled ourselves.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Ever leading us to divine exaltation,
our Savior and Master, by His own deeds
revealed to us the humility that exalts us,
with His own hands, washing the feet of the disciples.
Now and for ever and ever. Amen.
You have borne the Light unapproachable, Virgin; disperse the darkness of my soul with your light-giving radiance:
Take me by the hand,
and guide my life to the paths of salvation!
Katavasia: The counsel of God cannot be examined: the Most High was incarnate from a virgin! The prophet Habakkuk foresaw this and cried: Glory to your power, O God!
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