This is nothing more than the direct result of the contraceptive mentality.
When sex and reproduction are dissociated - contraception allows sex without reproduction, IVF allows reproduction without sex - then marriage becomes nothing more than an way to legitimize a long-term sexual relationship, and family becomes redefined as whatever a person WISHES it to be.
Modern acceptance of contraception in Christianity can be traced to the Lambeth Conference (Anglicans) in 1930, when it was decided that it could be allowed to married couples under limited circumstances. Most Protestant denominations followed suit, eventually allowing it in all cases.
Seeing this trend, and responding to calls withing the Catholic Church to allow contraception, Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae in 1968, reiterating the traditional Christian understanding that contraception (and abortion) were contrary to the Gospel. He then made the following predictions about the use of contraceptives:
All four of this predictions - prophecies, if one wishes to be honest - have come true.
Marital infidelity is rampant.
General acceptance of homosexual behavior as "normal" certainly qualifies as a lowering of morality.
Pornography is rampant - a fine example of treating women as instruments of selfish enjoyment.
Our government is in the process of widening the availability of contraception, forcing those who oppose it to pay for it. Indeed, a 12-year-old can buy the "morning after" pill without her parents' knowledge, but has to have their permission to get her ears pierced.
And what is the part of American Catholics in this?
Some, few, in fact, have obeyed the Church's teaching.
Many, however, have ignored it. Priests have shied away from preaching it. Bishops have not preached it. And couples have regularly, without giving it a second though, contracepted.
Is it any wonder that we are in this mess now?
When sex and reproduction are dissociated - contraception allows sex without reproduction, IVF allows reproduction without sex - then marriage becomes nothing more than an way to legitimize a long-term sexual relationship, and family becomes redefined as whatever a person WISHES it to be.
Modern acceptance of contraception in Christianity can be traced to the Lambeth Conference (Anglicans) in 1930, when it was decided that it could be allowed to married couples under limited circumstances. Most Protestant denominations followed suit, eventually allowing it in all cases.
Seeing this trend, and responding to calls withing the Catholic Church to allow contraception, Pope Paul VI promulgated Humanae Vitae in 1968, reiterating the traditional Christian understanding that contraception (and abortion) were contrary to the Gospel. He then made the following predictions about the use of contraceptives:
- Contraception would lead to conjugal infidelity.
- Contraceptive practice would lead to a “general lowering of morality.”
- Contraception would lead men to cease respecting woman in their totality and would cause them to treat women as “mere instruments of selfish enjoyment” rather than as cherished partners.
- And finally, widespread acceptance of contraception by couples would lead to a massive imposition of contraception by unscrupulous governments.
All four of this predictions - prophecies, if one wishes to be honest - have come true.
Marital infidelity is rampant.
General acceptance of homosexual behavior as "normal" certainly qualifies as a lowering of morality.
Pornography is rampant - a fine example of treating women as instruments of selfish enjoyment.
Our government is in the process of widening the availability of contraception, forcing those who oppose it to pay for it. Indeed, a 12-year-old can buy the "morning after" pill without her parents' knowledge, but has to have their permission to get her ears pierced.
And what is the part of American Catholics in this?
Some, few, in fact, have obeyed the Church's teaching.
Many, however, have ignored it. Priests have shied away from preaching it. Bishops have not preached it. And couples have regularly, without giving it a second though, contracepted.
Is it any wonder that we are in this mess now?
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