Does that mean we should be overindulging, giving gifts, and visiting each other.
Well, no.
What did Mary and Joseph — the first Christians, really — do for that first 40 days?
What did you do when your child was born?
Yeah, there are diapers and bottles, 3 AM feedings and all that. But isn't there more?
When my daughter was born, I marveled at that new life. I adored her. I loved her. I got to know her (as best as one can know a newborn).
Have you considered that the extended Christmas season is a special time for us to find ways to adore Christ - have you ever just gazed at a baby's face lovingly?
Or at the face of a loved one?
Have you ever visited a loved one?
Do you ever talk to your loved ones?
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ, the Lord.
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