You want to stop abortion?
You want to stop government corruption - on both sides of the aisle?
You want to stop government corruption - on both sides of the aisle?
If you call yourself a Christian, there's one way, and ONLY one way that you can work towards it. And, believe it or not, it will not be accomplished by you advocating for one candidate or another.
Start living as a faithful Christian - in whatever tradition you find yourself. God honors faithfulness.
If you're a Baptist, be the best Baptist you can be.
If you're a Pentecostal, be the best Pentecostal you can be.
If your Orthodox, be the best Orthodox you can be.
If you're a Pentecostal, be the best Pentecostal you can be.
If your Orthodox, be the best Orthodox you can be.
And, if you're Catholic, be the best Catholic you can be.
In being the best Catholic you can be, read, learn, and FULLY EMBRACE the Church's teaching on every subject.
You support abortion, that's your choice. But stop fooling yourself. If you accept abortion, you are in direct rebellion against the Church's teaching.
You support any sexual activity outside heterosexual monogamy as being ok or 'normal'? That's your choice. But stop fooling yourself. If you accept the normalcy of this, you are in direct rebellion against the Church's teaching.
Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church - and read the Scripture references in the footnotes.
Read the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Read the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
Stop PLAYING at being Catholic. BE Catholic.
Stop PLAYING at being Pentecostal. BE Pentecostal.
Stop PLAYING at being Pentecostal. BE Pentecostal.
BUT - if you have someone in your life whose life style and actions don't measure up with what, as a Christian, you know to be God's perfect will, does that mean you reject them, that you condemn them? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Christ loved us when we were lost in sin. Can we do anything else? And He met us where we were, and by His love, wooed us to the truth.
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