On page 5, in the Apostles' Creed, instead of
"descendit ad inferos",
it should be
"descendit ad infernos", with the
"day-SHEN-deet ahd een-FAYR-nohs"
A similar change should be made on page 66
"descendit ad inferos",
it should be
"descendit ad infernos", with the
"day-SHEN-deet ahd een-FAYR-nohs"
A similar change should be made on page 66
Deacon’s Prayers
I received a request from a newly ordained deacon for the pronunciation of the following prayers which were not within the scope of the original book.
After the Gospel:
Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away
Per evangélica dicta deleántur nostra delícta.
I received a request from a newly ordained deacon for the pronunciation of the following prayers which were not within the scope of the original book.
After the Gospel:
Through the words of the Gospel may our sins be wiped away
Per evangélica dicta deleántur nostra delícta.
A friend of mine, a Pentecostal minister, recently said to me,
Protestants should stop attacking our Catholic brothers and sisters and Catholics should affirm the faith of Protestants.
Protestants should stop attacking our Catholic brothers and sisters and Catholics should affirm the faith of Protestants.
You want to stop abortion?
You want to stop government corruption - on both sides of the aisle?
If you call yourself a Christian, there's one way, and ONLY one way that you can work towards it. And, believe it or not, it will not be accomplished by you advocating for one candidate or another.
You want to stop government corruption - on both sides of the aisle?
If you call yourself a Christian, there's one way, and ONLY one way that you can work towards it. And, believe it or not, it will not be accomplished by you advocating for one candidate or another.
An important article
This is taken word for word, omitting only the VERY graphic picture, from https://www.endalldisease.com/satan-at-work-aborted-fetuses-used-in-food-beauty-products-and-vaccines/
One of the most disturbing satanic practices in our culture is the use of aborted fetal cells in the processed foods that
One of the most disturbing satanic practices in our culture is the use of aborted fetal cells in the processed foods that
One of the US Presidential candidates is running on the platform of "Make America Great Again".
The man is a serial adulterer, has joked about incest. His business dealings have impoverished others.
I won't go on, because the post is not about him, it's about making America great again.
The man is a serial adulterer, has joked about incest. His business dealings have impoverished others.
I won't go on, because the post is not about him, it's about making America great again.
John Heschmeyer writes on Shameless Popery:
For my money, one of the strongest arguments against the papacy (or at least one of the most interesting) is that the Catholic view requires us to hold that the first few popes after Peter had authority over St.
For my money, one of the strongest arguments against the papacy (or at least one of the most interesting) is that the Catholic view requires us to hold that the first few popes after Peter had authority over St.
For my Protestant friends:
What is the Immaculate Conception?First, it's necessary to understand Original Sin.Original Sin is not that we are guilty of Adam's sin.
What is the Immaculate Conception?First, it's necessary to understand Original Sin.Original Sin is not that we are guilty of Adam's sin.
On this, the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos (or, the Solemnity of the Assumption as it’s known in the West), I thought it fitting to revisit this question.
Luke 1:28 records Gabriel's greeting of Mary as "Χαίρε, κεχαριτομένη".
On “Hail, Full of Grace”
The Greek is Χαίρε, κεχαριτομένη.
κεχαριτομένη is the feminine, passive perfect participle of χαριτόω.
The root of χαριτόω is χάρις, grace, the genitive of which is χάριτος.
On “Hail, Full of Grace”
The Greek is Χαίρε, κεχαριτομένη.
κεχαριτομένη is the feminine, passive perfect participle of χαριτόω.
The root of χαριτόω is χάρις, grace, the genitive of which is χάριτος.
By Dave Armstrong.
by Collin Garbarino
Earlier this week The Guardian ran a story about human sacrifice and ancient Roman history. During the third century BC, the chief rival of Rome was the city of Carthage on the North African coast.
Earlier this week The Guardian ran a story about human sacrifice and ancient Roman history. During the third century BC, the chief rival of Rome was the city of Carthage on the North African coast.
Recent clandestine videos taken at Planned Parenthood confirm what we've known all along.
It's evil.
Abortion is evil.
And, of course, there is the evidence that what PP does with the aborted babies is evil.
But, don't for a second think that this started with PP.
It's evil.
Abortion is evil.
And, of course, there is the evidence that what PP does with the aborted babies is evil.
But, don't for a second think that this started with PP.
Editor's Note. Normally, when reposting from another blog, I only post a portion and then give the link.
As I'm sure we all know now, on June 26, the Supreme Court arrogated to itself the authority of legislating that all states must allow "same-sex marriage".
by Orestes A.
Tre virtytet shpirtërore janë
Besim Shpresë Dashuri Katër virtytet kardinale janë
Drejtësi Maturi Përmbajtje Qëndresë Shtatë mëkatet kardinal
Epsh Grykësi Lakmi Përtaci Zemërim Zili Krenari
Besim Shpresë Dashuri Katër virtytet kardinale janë
Drejtësi Maturi Përmbajtje Qëndresë Shtatë mëkatet kardinal
Epsh Grykësi Lakmi Përtaci Zemërim Zili Krenari
In seeking the things of God . . . preserving the examples of ancient tradition . . . you have strengthened the vigor of your religion . . .
In seeking the things of God . . . preserving the examples of ancient tradition . . . you have strengthened the vigor of your religion . . .
Meatless recipes for Lent?
Try some of the recipes here!
Try some of the recipes here!
Often, it is pointed out by those who wish to promote the normalcy of homosexual behavior that, in the Gospels, there is no record of Jesus speaking against homosexuality.
Well, let's use that point to support another position.
Well, let's use that point to support another position.
OK. Christmas isn't really over until February 2.
Does that mean we should be overindulging, giving gifts, and visiting each other.
Well, no.
Does that mean we should be overindulging, giving gifts, and visiting each other.
Well, no.
Growing up Protestant, I was always told that Catholics had a different Old Testament, with the implication that the differences — seven extra books — were added by the Catholics.
We all know that Paul speaks of Christ as the Last Adam; and "the New Adam" or "the Second Adam" have been used interchangeably to indicate the same eternal truth, that in Him in the new foundation for the human race - a human race where mortal man can partake of the sinless divine nature, because t
Help, I'm bored in Church, by my friend, Fr. David Smith.
Help, I'm bored in Church, by my friend, Fr. David Smith.