The Popes on the Rosary
- St. Pius V
- Conserverunt Romani
- Leo XIII
- Supremi Apostolatus Officio On Devotion to the Rosary, 1883
- Superiore Anno On the Recitation of the Rosary, 1884
- Vi È Ben Noto On the Rosary and Public Life, 1887
- Octobri Mense On the Rosary, 1891
- Magnae Dei Matris On the Rosary, 1892
- Laetitiae Sanctae On the Rosary, 1893
- Iucunda Semper Expectatione On the Rosary, 1894
- Adiutricem, On the Rosary, 1895 undefined
- Fidentem Piumque Animum On the Rosary, 1896
- Augustissimae Virginis Mariae On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, 1897
- Diuturni Temporis On the Rosary, 1898
- Pius XI
- Ingravescentibus Malis
- Pius XII
- Ingruentium Malorum On reciting the Rosary
- Blessed John XXIII
- Grata Recordatio
- Paul VI
- Christi Matri On Prayers to Mary for Peace, 1966
- Marialis Cultus On Devotion to Mary, 1974
- John Paul II
- Rosarium Virginis Mariae
Other Writings on the Rosary
- St. Louis de Montfort
- The Love of Eternal Wisdom
- The Secret of Mary
- Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
- Methods for Saying the Rosary from the Montform Missionaries
- The Works of St. Louis de Montfort
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